Emotional well-being is a term that has entered our vernacular since the 1990s. It will hold different meanings for us individually and collectively. As a result, there are many different ways of looking at what it means to you and I. As a counsellor; I...

I've been writing about the importance of maintaining emotional control during employment processes such as disciplinary, grievance and, sickness absence, etc. Have you noticed that the word contains the word motion? Unattended our feelings can move us in the direction they are heading, positively or...

Do what now? Whatever you need to do. I'm writing this post as much to you as I am to myself. Ok, it's Saturday morning and, I find myself feeling a little overwhelmed. Why? I started thinking of all the things I needed to do...

I've been writing about the importance of developing HR wisdom. I'm curious to hear about what steps (if any) you've have taken to build your HR wisdom? Here's a quick challenge for you to see how many of the following you can check off: I have: ...

If I were to choose the most talked about topics in my LinkedIn and Twitter feed this last year (2018), it would be race and equality. As the discussions around these issues gained momentum, I have discerned voices seasoned with frustration, hurt, pain and, bewilderment...

I previously wrote about the fact that a disciplinary investigation should only proceed after careful consideration of all of the available information. You can read the post here https://hopeplace.co.uk/to-discipline-or-not-to-discipline-pause-ponder-then-proceed/ This week's post builds on the pause, ponder and, then proceed principles with two fictional organisations, Prudent...

Last week, I introduced the topic 'The unjust manager: refuse to be confused - this week, I take the issue further in this post with the supplement - don't get it twisted. As a quick recap, the unjust manager is a manager who makes a deliberate...

I want to talk about the unjust manager. But before I do that, I want to establish that I am not talking about managers who consistently manage their staff fairly, and transparently in line with their organisational processes and fair employment practice. The online English Oxford Living Dictionary...

An employer can discipline an employee if they have sufficient concerns about their conduct or capability. However, the decision to discipline is a serious one that warrants consideration wherever possible of all of the available facts. Pause and ponder before proceeding When faced with a potential disciplinary matter, it...

What is a disability? A disability is defined as physical or mental impairment lasting 12 months or more that has a substantial impact on your ability to carry out your daily activities.  Disability is one of the protected characteristics under the Equality Act 2010. Disability-related conditions as...